Node and npm makes it really simple to install command line tools. One of my favourites is http-server. Http-server allows you to start a web server from any folder using the command prompt. To do this first install node from this will also install npm. Then open a command prompt and type:
npm install http-server -g
The -g
will install http-server globally meaning you can run it from anywhere. You can now point http-server at any folder and it will start a web server with the following command.
This is cool by itself but there are times when you need go a bit further. For example I might want a site to be served over https and give it a host name like
to test something quickly. To do that you need to add the following line to the hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
Then you can use http-server with the following commands to access
in your browser:
http-server -a -p 443 -S -K "C:\certs\key.pem" -C "C:\certs\cert.pem"
If you are on a Windows machine you may not have your certs as pem files. This post shows you how to create a self signed cert.